2016-10-22 Bergamo, Italy


Joseph Pasquale designed CHORUSLIFE, a new format of urban regeneration proposed for the master plan of the former industrial compound OTE in Bergamo. The plan has been presented by the cav. Domenico Bosatelli, principal of Grupedil and Gewiss, at a press conference attended by the Mayor of Bergamo Giorgio Gori and major city authorities. "A low urban density plan with a high relational density," said Joseph Pasquale illustrating the project, where the real land value is the "capacity to generate social and intergenerational exchange." The multifunctional arena, shops, services, SPA medical sports center, rooftop gym and jogging trail are the main functions of the complex. Moreover 100 housing completes the complex promoting a new idea of ​​housing. A subscription fee for “residential services” that includes also energy, maintenance, entertainment content, food, and access to all services in the compound. The urban design has adopted the functions along the perimeter of the area, generating compact building facades to better link with the traditional city, but revealing in a highly innovative inner core, a fluid urban space, completely pedestrian, that avoids any physical and psychological barriers to the meeting and the social exchange and access to the functions and services of CHORUS LIFE. WATCH THE VIDEO Press release:


Svelato Chorus Life, nuovo palazzetto dello sport: un’arena con 6.500 posti per concerti e meeting



Presso l'area dismessa tra via Serassi e San Fermo nascerà Chorus Life, un nuovo quartiere all'avanguardia


L’Eco di Bergamo

Cittadella dello sport da 120 milioni

Ex Ote: una città dello sport con arena, hotel e negozi

“Questo progetto è un sogno: io ci credo”


Corriere della Sera Bergamo

Ex Ote, un piano da 120 milioni

“Nessun ostacolo economico”. La giocata pesante del patron

Viabilità e Gamec. Gori incassa: “Un museo nel palazzetto, adesso si può”


Il Giorno Bergamo Brescia

Chorus Life, il futuro è già arrivato


L’Eco di Bergamo

Nuovo Palasport. Progetto coraggioso. Una sfida riempirlo
